Provenance Hash Summary

This page links the provenance record of each SkyCastle Genesis Companion that will ever exist. Each SkyCastle Genesis Companion metadata is hashed using Keccak-256 algorithm. A combined string is obtained by concatenating Keccak-256 of each SkyCastle Genesis Companion metadata in the specific order as listed below. The final proof is obtained by Keccak-256 hashing this combined string.

Note: We decided not to include the attribute “Cloud9” in the project, thus we completely removed “Cloud9” from the collection. As a result, the collection's provenance hash has been updated to reflect this change. This was the only change that was made; everything else was left exactly the same. This can be authenticated by reviewing the “Provenance Hash” and “Provenance Hash (Deprecated)” below.

Provenance: Link Here

Provenance (Deprecated): Link Here